
A 3D third-person platformer built in Unreal Engine for a Game Jam.

The player controls a ball and collects various power-ups like a jetpack, and the ability to dash.

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  • Architected and implemented gameplay mechanics using UE Blueprints, which included jetpack and dash mechanics
  • Designed game UI - HUD for jetpack fuel, ability cooldowns, and game menus
  • Designed game levels - including a rotating maze level

Project Snippets

I implemented most of the game mechanics - like the jetpack.
I also had to tie the jetpack to the UI. The fuel was indicated by the blue bar in the bottom left.
This was a fantastic opportunity to learn about how Unrela Blueprints work. Here is the "dash" mechanic in action.
I implemented various types of pickups for the game - one cause you to keep jumping, one changes the look of your ball, another teleports you across the map, etc. All the pickups add to the timer, so you are incentivized to collect them all!
Designing the maze levels was also a valuable experience.
As further improvement, I decided to have a rotating level. The entire level rotating adds another layer of difficulty to the game.
Finally, I implemented all the menus in the game - the main menu, the pause menu. Adding the various functionalities like changing the levels on a button press was a fun learning experience.